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The Individual energy healing pendant is attuned specifically to your energies, it helps you to connect with your true essence 💫 and start your journey to becoming the expression of your soul in the physical.


This pendant works as a guiding star 🎇 helping to show you the direction in life, at the same time it  works with your energetical body - healing whaterver is holding you back right now in your life. The pendant creates a protective bubble around you bringing sense of calm and safety💟☔ .


Anchored in your pendant are the energies from your home - from your souls origin ✨ which help you to remeber who you are and why you are here. They also bring a feeling of harmony and safety. There might be a strog connection to the Pleiades, Sirius, Minthaka, Venus, The Moon 🌕, The Sun ☀️, Mother Earth 🌍 etc... The energy mix depends on your individual energy footprint.


In the blend of energies that are anchored in your pendant there are all the beings and places that wish to support you. What often appears are the energies of your spiritual guides, ancestors, spiritual animals🐻🫎🦅 , your guardian angel , your protectors, your power places. It can be also unicorns 🦄, dragons🐉 , trolls🧌, fairies🧚‍♀️, elves 🧚‍♂️ or other creatures that are strogly connected to you. All these helpers usually like to cocreate the pendant and are therefore present during the whole process of its creation ✨.


*Stainless steel chain in golden or silver color included - 45 cm

Individual healing pendant oval 2,5 x 1,8 cm

1 350,00 krPrice
  • Size: 2,5 x 1,8 cm, thick 0,5 cm (Size and shape may vary according your preference)

    Material - transparent expoxy resin

    Crystals used vary - it depends on what crystals fit the most to your individual energy. In the exaple on the picture is Fluorite the main crystal.

    Chain - stainless steel in golden or silver color  - 45 cm long, measures: 2x1,5x0,3mm

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